Salutations! I suppose I should make it official and confirm that I am indeed preggers with my third child. Yes, it has been a while since my last post so I wanted my next post to be special. Well I had my 18 week appointment to find out the sex of our baby today and I was doing everything in my power to calm myself down before I got there. It's a 50-50 chance right? Boy or girl? Boy or girl? AH I am blessed with two spirited girls and it would have been so nice to round us out with a little boy.... does our wish come true... see below to see my results....
Kevin our ultrasound technician: Bay Area Maternity |
Maria my midwife from Bay Area Maternity |
The verdict is in... we are due 12-12-12 iA and your motigirl is indeed Moti with a man child aH. We are super excited, happy and cannot wait! I am looking forward to go shopping for little boys clothes! Who's with me? This is your moti girl signing out... till next time. :)